Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Week 7 BOC: Garageband

When I was using Garageband on the computer at first I found the program very frustrating due to the fact that I have no music experience what so ever.  So a lot of the information on the tutorials was completely going over my head.  This is a problem I could see for anyone who is not musically inclined or has no experience with music, so they would most likely have the same beginning with program as  I had at the start.  However, once I figured out the program I found it to be very easy to use and I can see someone who has an interest in music or possibly that is what they enjoy the most, they would find great use out of the program itself.  I like the fact that they did have a quite a lot of choices when it came to background music, someone could choose if they were trying to make their own music with a guitar or piano but were lacking the other instruments in the background to make the additions to make a normal song for themselves or for others.  Another thing that was nice was that you could take those loops and place them anywhere in the time of your song with ease to make the final song you were making a working piece.  Another nice feature about Garageband was the fact that if you wanted to learn how to play an instrument or a particular song with an instrument, there were tutorials with both audio and video to show you how to do it as well as, the ability to slow it down during difficult portions of that song.  When someone got comfortable with that portion, they could then play it back at normal speed with the artist hosting the tutorial making it feel like an even better accomplishment to the person using it.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

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