Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 8 EOC: Privacy Issues on the Web, Two Companies that can Spy on You

I had to think for a while so I could find two companies that would spy on you through your computer and this is what I came up with.  First company, would be Google, now their intentions may be legal but the fact is that they are using keylogger software to track what your web history is, this is used in order for them to deliver advertising they feel would be best for that individual.  The more advertising they can deliver to people and get products sold the better it is for Google and the companies that hire Google to deliver these ads.  The software can track users in the following aspects:

Keylogger software is not always used by criminals and hackers there are legal reasons that companies can use this software to protect themselves and their products.  Some company's use keyloggers to track their employee's activity and to monitor the use of the company's computers and Internet by the employees.

Another company if you can refer to them that way is the United States Armed Forces, I can personally speak from experience that all the branches of the United States military use keylogger software to track to their employees as well as to monitor things that can concern our safety.   This is not just so people can say that big brother is watching, there are some very real threats out there can potentially harm many people that are not just limited to Americans, the programs are in place not just for security but safety as well. I did manage to find a possible that they may use to keep their systems in order

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